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What a lovely game! 

I love all kinds of cute things. But I love it even more when there is something more hidden behind the cute wrapper. 

I will look forward to revealing the "other side" of the story. However, there are 14 days in the game, so it will be a long way. But it's definitely worth it. 

And finally, I'll mention the characters. They all look interesting and not repulsive (except Teo, I guess, but he's just that type of character). It will be interesting to see how they perform in the future. And Ren's style looks especially cozy. 

In any case, you should not rush to release the rest of the days. taking care of yourself is important. Burnout has never been good for anyone. ~<3

(a translator was used, so the meaning could be distorted)


aaaaa thank you very much for the lovely review!! ;v; I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo — especially all the characters (except Teo hehe >:3)!! Hopefully he can be redeemable in the future!

Thanks again for the kind words and support! I hope you have a wonderful day ♡


oh my-


i have a question,how do i get the good/normal ending?? i can only have the dead ending :cry: and sorry if my english is bad


There are multiple ways to get the normal ending for each day, so I think it’d be easier to tell you how to get the Dead Ends instead (and avoid getting them)!!

Day 1:

  • Invite Ren, then ask him to leave
  • Don’t invite Ren, then block his number

Day 2:

  • Walk home alone

Day 3:

  • Refuse Teo’s offer

waaa thank you!!!!!


not like i can't wait or something hehe


where is the update.


The newest update is Day 3! ^^; But if you’re asking for when the next update will be out, please see the FAQ section on the 14DWY Tumblr!!


okay :D


My phone is Android


that's so poggers


hi i download and opened the zip but there wasn't any apk or app to install just fails what should I do

14 Days With You is only for PC/MacOS. There are no Android, iPhone, or mobile apps ^^; Sorry!

(1 edit) (+1)

But i saw on YouTube someone download it on his phone 

Anyway thanks for the reply 🌻

Then it's most likely a scam or Trojan virus filled with hidden malware >.< Unless the files come from this page specifically, then it's not official and should never be downloaded for your own safety.


Hello! I don't know if it's already answered or anything but.. Is there any confirmation when this game is fully out and when exactly the other  days will come out? :o


Sorry, but 14 Days With You is an 18+ game for adults. Please don't interact with it, me, or the community until you are 18. When that happens, you're welcome to come back and ask this question again.


Hello! just wondering will this game ever cost money? like I cant play unless I buy patron for more days. Also you dont have to answer this part, will there be a good ending where we get to be with him and happy?


Hi hii!! ^^ You might be better off asking these kinds of questions on the 14DWY Tumblr (since they're frequently asked questions) — but no, I have no plans on putting 14 Days With You behind a paywall, and there will be multiple different endings that will depend on the choices you make in the game.


is NSFW ver available in the Demo? I got up to day 3 and even though my NSFW was enabled I never got any option to go down that route. 


Hiya!! Please refer to this post on how to get the 18+ scenes ^^


Is it just a demo or is it the complete game? ,because it didn't load on day 4 and I had the dead end


Yes, this is still a demo! It's explicitly stated on this page, during the character creation screen, and even when you receive the good/neutral ends ^^


just saw a vid of someone else playing this game love the attention to detail with the characters:), can’t wait to find someway to play it since i be having a school chromebook for dis 🥲


Thank you very much for the lovely review!! ♡ (Also I'm sorry there's no Chromebook compatibility available ;n;)


Long hair ren has me IN A CHOKEHOLD. I love this game more than i will ever be able to put into words


AAAAAAAA I'm happy to hear it =w= Thank you so much!!


rvwu x4yjqwx7  i replayed it and ehm 10/10


how many ending are there?


There's a spicy/NSFW ending, a good/normal ending, and a bad ending (called "dead ends") for each day!!

Some endings can also be achieved in various ways, such as choosing to invite Ren over (or declining him) in Day 1, choosing whose apartment to visit in Day 2, or calling various people in Day 3! They all offer a good ending, but will have unique and different outcomes.


I love this game so much skfenrewrb. I can't way for the next days ! I love Ren bro 😭😭😭 I somehow mamaged to get my friend interested, I've played it a few times now and I couldn't help but notice how when you play it more than one Ren knows ! I LOVE that detail so much, its such a new direction but I love it. Okay I'll stop my rant but over all: Live Laugh Love Ren <3


HAHA yes live laugh love ren!! does he really notice if you play more than once?


Yes ! the intro part changes and he says its nice to see you *again* and the endings where he jumpscares you changes too and hes like 'really again angel'? smth along those lines


Gehehe thank you for spreading da [REVOKED] [RETAINED] [REDACTED] agenda!! /silly

(1 edit) (+4)

Finally finsihed day 3 and what can I say? I think I need more Ren right now! How will I survive not knowing how the story continues? ._.  Also I was not expecting that Ren wants us to go on a date with Teo?! 😱 

woahhh omg


Wait? what! Really?! Now our dear Ren is up to something  hmm


I'm really curious about the whole thing.

I was very confused getting the bad end this way. xD I was very confident that I decided right but the dev hot me there. :'D


Woahhh, thank you so much for providing both the good and bad endings!! I can only imagine how much work that must've been ;v;

And I'm glad you've enjoyed the demo so far! Hopefully Day 4 will be worth the wait ^^


Usually, I don't enjoy it when the Yandere character is immediately off-putting but I really like it here. It feels realistic in a way to have someone come up to you and say whatever to keep you in their presence.

I also like the way the game implies things. There are implications throughout the game that the MC could be in a simulation or that we're dealing with a self-aware character with Ren, but going along the "normal" route, you almost don't think about it, even with the "I see you" note being right in front of your face every time you save.

This game is very well made.


Thank you so much for the kind review!! ;v;

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo and that you find Ren's "Glitch" abilities interesting!! In the future, I'd like to keep it all tied to his "Dead End" route so that the player can pursue that unique path if they so choose to — instead of being forced down the "self-aware that this is a simulation" path instead ^^


Wow!!! I... Just... Wow! 11/10 this was an awesome day 1 lolz 

aaaaaa thank you so much for creating a video on 14DWY!!


In love


Ren wrote this comment with Angel in mind lmao /silly


i was looking for a yandere game and i loved the demo so much!! thanks, can't wait to play the other days :3

Thank you for the support!! ^^ ♡

(1 edit) (+3)

Finally played Day 2 & this game is getting better an better. ♡

I absolutely love everything about it! AHHH...




Im so excited for day 4 now, ty for posting day 3 and im really excited to see how this game ends off !! ^^ I send my congratulations on getting day 3 done.

Thank you very much for the kind words and support!! =w=


Жду ни дождусь

I'm loving the whole game, it's been a lot of fun!!! The variation in decisions is incredible... But now the fear I had of catching the end of day 3 in a ''dead end'' and not expecting it, I almost died, but it was a very good surprise BUT I'M VERY EXCITED FOR THE NEXT DAYS!!!


Hehe!! The dead ends actually change depending on how many times you get them!! Try getting another one in Day 2 before playing Day 3 again >:3 ...Ren will give you a hint on how to progress through Day 3!!

hii i have a question is this downlodable on chromebook??!!

No, it's only available for PC and MacOS right now.


I saw a youtuber review this game and im honestly excited to play (i am 19 so im old enough) but i have some questions

- Will the be an android ver. of them game
- (if there will be an android ver.) how long before the release

(Ps. Don't rush yourself and take your time on this amazing game you've made. Please take care of your self


It's in the FAQ on a few of their pages, sai is not currently planning on making an android version of the game. 


I see that somebody has already answered your question (thank you very much!! I appreciate it ^^ /gen)

But no, there's no Android or iPhone version, and I have no plans on creating one anytime soon. My main priority is on PC and MacOS builds right now.


Neat game.


Thanks dude.


Best game ever, looking forward to updates! But I do have 2 questions!
1. Who is the black haired guy that looks similar to Ren, and is he apart of the game?
2. Is there any fan packs that can be purchased that bring like wallpapers of the characters, for PC and stuff? (Similar to the DDLC Fan pack, which brings the sound track, high-resolution wallpapers, and a concept art booklet)


Thank you very much! ♡

1. The black-haired guy is [REDACTED], Ren's real self! They are part of the game — however you won't officially "meet" [REDACTED] until Day 7.

2. I'm not familiar with DDLC or its Fan Pack, but from what I can gather, no, 14DWY doesn't have anything like that. But many folks in the community often make fan merch for the game, and I also post official art and stuff on Discord, Twitter, and Tumblr ^^


hey! I love your game and I just wanted to ask when we will see a bit of the lore? Like where did yn and ren meet , why dose he like yn- stuff like that.

like will it be in incoming days of the game or last days in the game


Hello!! Thank you for your comment ^^

There's already a ton of official lore on Tumblr, including small snippets on how Ren and Angel met, why he likes them, lore about his family and backstory, etc.

I can't, however, say when it will all happen in-game; as that's spoiler territory and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for others. A lot of lore does come out eventually, but it's too early on for it to be revealed right now (we still have 11 more days to go ^^) Hopefully you understand!! 


Thank you for answearing  my question.! Ofc I understand Im so excited to learn more about them :DD


Im on pc and whenever I try to download it says to buy WinRar?


You don't need to purchase it! Just close the ad/popup and continue extracting the file ^^


Omg I got it to work after 5 days! Thanks for telling me cuz I had no idea what was happening 

(1 edit) (+6)

i just wanted to say you seem like the nicest game dev. like the community is so fun and you just exude positivity and that’s just really nice to see. everything in general is just funky fresh. i’m excited for new content, such a fun game and creator :]


Wahhhh this comment genuinely made my day!! TwT Thank you so much! 

I'm glad that you enjoy the community and all of the 14DWY content as well! It means so much to me to know that there are folks out there who like the content I release, no matter how niche it is gksjgsk ;v; I'm very lucky to have someone like you in the community too ^^

Thanks again!! ♡


wahhhh of course!!! now IM crying and kicking my feet. keep up the awesome vibes!! <3


I just tried this game today and I absolutes love it. I already see myself playing it over and over again.

Also a big thank you for the option to toggle of the adult content. ♡

aaaaaa thank you so much for making a video featuring 14DWY!! I'll have to check it out and subscribe once I have some free time ^^


you are welcome, in fact I have to thank you for making such a great game. 😊

I can't wait to play day two and three, I enjoy it so much!!! ♡


i lov e you saiii and the game!! its amazing and one of my favs :]


hi?? is it just me but the day 2 kinda changed? it's a little sad because I really liked what happened in day 2..


aaaaaa what exactly happened in Day 2?? Because I haven't changed anything ;v;


Maybe you did something different?


im probably going to play this 10 time a day. Thank you for such and AMAZING game.


Hehe I'm glad you enjoyed it!! Thank you for the lovely comment! ^^


Your brain is so huge, man (gnc). I’m in love with the story, the art, the characters- everything! I’m so excited to see what’s to come. Thank you for making this game!


Wahhhhhh thank you so much for checking the game out!! I appreciate the support ^^ ♡


this was soo good I got so invested I forgot that it wasn't complete yet, I can't wait to play the full game.


Thank you very much for the kind words!! I hope it'll be worth da wait ^^


I'm sure it will be


as a trans man, I really enjoy that this game lets you choose your pronouns and genitalia separately! I'm super excited for day 4 and all of the new outcomes that'll come with it <3.
ren has me giggling and kicking my feetsies. (even though he's obviously a possessive creep) 


I'm glad you enjoyed it! ♡ Someone else requested having the player's top and bottom genitalia separate as well, which is something I'm considering adding in the future! ^^

And lmaoooo You've got Ren blushing and drawing hearts in his diary lmao /silly


Hi there! I've seen this game on yt, and I really really wanna be able to play it. Though, I only have chromebook.. and was wondering if you may be able to release it so chromebook users can use it too? :) It's okay if not, and btw, ren is SUCH a cutie!! (Yes, I'm 19 btw. I am old enough to be playing this!)

aaaaa unfortunately, my main focus will remain on PC/Mac builds right now, as I don't own a Chromebook and have no way of testing it >.<

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