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damn, this is so good. I'm so excited for the next updates.

(1 edit) (-1)

How is the assigned sex|gender works here exactly, if i may ask?


s e x s c e n e


I cant verify somehow on the discird server cause the ticket button isnt working for me. I tried contacting the server admins but their dms are closed so i cant get to them either


i joined on the dicord server, but i forgot that my younger sister use my pc too T-T

idk how to leave

On PC: Right click the server icon -> Leave server
On Mobile: Tap on the server name -> Leave server

Thank you so much

I'm so pumped up for day 2! Ren seems like such an interesting character! and he's cute to boot! Cant wait! <3

god but how can i deny a cute yet handsome guy like him???!


dev , plz make the yandere a bottom or atleast let the MC have an option to top . i mean the yandere is so shy and sub that it makes no sense for him to be a top.


that's not how this works lol


everyone knows that shy tops don't exist. the only thing close to that is a shy switch.


Uhh yes they exist, that's just how sex works in real life


Disregarding the fact that you are just plain wrong, the game also makes it VERY clear that the whole "shy and cutesy" things is an act that Ren puts on specifically for MC to find him appealing.

He's a yandere nutcase stalking MC, not some innocent cinnamon bun.


he is a bratty bottom larping as a shy top .




Ren, a canonically shy top who exists: 🧍

But in all seriousness though, due to the low impact the spicy scenes have on the overall storyline, I don't think I'll be adding additional top/bottom preferences anytime soon ^^; Right now, the spicy route is simply there for people who wanna smash Ren in day 1!!




I mean, hello? i'm a bi cis guy who's very quiet and nervous-all-the-time in rl here, but i'm a top so... yes, shy top exist my pal😂. Besides, it's a yandere sim, most of Lis in this type of vn i've countered so far always putting up an act to lure the mc. I believe ren act like that to.. well, to trap mc😂


hes so cute lol


I've played through the demo like three times in the last 24 hours and I just can't get enough of Ren. He is such a precious lil nutcase and I just wanna hug him and help him commit murder <3

I love how MC absolutely picks up on the weirdo vibes, and that they still do so even if you're attracted to him. I love an MC who's able to go "that guy is definitely a psycho and he is mine".

I've got a question about the endings though:

  • Multiple endings (woohoo end, good end, neutral end, bad end)

Is that in reference to the demo, or the whole game, or both?


aaaaaa I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!! Thank you so much for all of the kind words! ^^

As for your question: the "multiple endings" in the description referred to Day 1 specifically! As of right now, 14DWY has ~4 endings planned for the finished version (True ending, happy ending, neutral/misc. ending, and a bad ending) ^^


Omg happy ending with Ren <3
Like I know that yandere romances aren't healthy or whatever, but it is a game and I just want to make bad choices and have a good time, so thank you for making that possible!

A new bad ending or are you talking about the already existing one


"He is such a precious lil nutcase and I just wanna hug him and help him commit murder <3"

Couple goals Lol XD 


I forgot if I left a comment or not but the new update is *chef's kiss* I don't know what it is, but Conan has me by the book OMG I love him so much!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your hard work and I can't wait for more (Can and will wait as long as I need to XD)

(1 edit) (+25)

me when Ren/[Redacted]:


Ren/[REDACTED] when you:



I'm sorry to ask about this here, but I didn't know how else to contact you. Me0wKitty, can you please reupload your game 'Too Deep In Love'? I really want to play it.

Ah, yes that silly little 'game' of mine. I'm planning to upload the new version once its finished- .. (sorry for the very late reply :3)

YAY! Thank you so much! I've really been wanting to play it! And it is not silly. Many other people want to play it as well. You are an amazing artist, by the way, and, according to someone's review of your game, you wrote the script really well, too! Sorry for spamming you before, I was desperate, but I am so happy now!




When i tried to play this game i received an error message 

I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the

errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/misc/day 1.rpy", line 4: Unexpected indentation at start of file.

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py

Sun Feb  5 18:09:16 2023


you must delete the old game files, if you have not already.



(1 edit) (+2)

I recently got into a Yandere Visual Novel and I don't regret it! I really enjoyed this mini-demo.

I'm looking forward to the full game. I made a video <3 Love it

please make a patreon i would LOVE to support


Is there a way we could support this financially or do you have a Patreon??



That was amazing! Can't wait to see more <3

we can date Eleanor?


I've played the update and OMG???? I need to be honest, first release was already charming but this one is just... the whole fairytale. I love the new screen for name and pronouns, the new dialogues (I got to know you in 2021 so I haven't seen 2017 ver. so they're fresh for me), also I loved the CG update.

Anyways, I was a fan, now I'm a whole air conditioner, I love bby Ren but I hope Elanor is fine!


Seeing all the updates after like months is like so impressive, and I hope you continue to do well with future updates to the game, because playing through it again, but updated was really fun.


I wanna have a bad ending cause I'm a masochist. What do you mean you won't give me your bad end Ren!? T_T

(1 edit) (+2)

Hiya! I had the game downloaded before the update and unfortunately had an error after getting the new update and opening the game. It told me that this file  

"game/misc/day 1.rpy"

 had the error. To fix it I had to delete and reinstall the whole game but i wanted to report this maybe it would help you and some other people ^^ 

I dearly hope you have a wonderful day! And thanks for this cool game!

Edit: even tho I fully deleted it i still have my saves (kinda a noob with computer stuff)


Im really sad that im not gonna be able to play it at the moment coz i don't have my pc and for some reason its force closing on joi play 😓😓

10/10. A great game

(2 edits) (+3)

damn, I got blocked from processing to bad ending lol

I really like to throw myself head first into bad end lol
also have a great days!


Ahhhhh, I have waited for so long to come back and play it, updated the game and it just show me error script. But problem is fixed now after I uninstall the game and install, not re-install. I'm so happy that you came back after a year! Hope that last year is treating you well, and that this year happen to be the same for you too! There was such big improvements in the game that I love very much, so many things are introduce too. Please still take your time making this game and take care of yourself too. The game has been on my hit-list of raiding for so long, and with Ren still being the mysterious and cutie yan that I have yet to figure out, can't also wait to see how he develop as the days/ story-line goes on.

(1 edit)

EDIT: It is working, I must have done something! I love this game!

(1 edit)

Hiya!! If possible, could you please let me know how you came across that error? That way, I'll know how to fix it ^^

Edit: aaa I'm glad it's working again!! And for anyone else who might come across this problem: please don't use old save files!! They won't work properly with the new update >.<;


Temporarily disabled while I add the updated version of Day 1!! It should become available again in a few minutes ^^


End of Day 1 and I ended up getting rutted by a Yandere.

The fact you're enabling my weird tastes and not doing the usual "Oh, you gotta be careful" like others do immediately has my attention. XD


Not the yandere rut njdsgksngksngk T_T /lh

I'm glad you enjoyed the demo though!!


indulge route 😈


I really enjoyed it! The art is gorgeous and the storyline is intriguing. Ren is such a giant puppy and I love him. I have only reached one ending so far but planing on hunting down the other ones! Looking forward to the full release! Thank you for all your hard work on this!

I really really really love this game! Can´t wait to see more <3<3


i love this so far <3 i cant wait for the rest of the days, i hope u don't mind me asking but how long is it until the next day drops?

(1 edit) (+1)

The demo slapped! Can't wait for the rest of the days! TT - TT


So how many donates 💰 till you drop day 2 :3 honestly though I can’t wait for your not update. Good luck 🍀 


ren/[redacted] i'm taking you as my husband now

 i'm literally in love with every little thing in the game <3


OMg I LOVE THIS THUS FAR!! Ren is so cute really wanna know more about him can't wait for day 2!


wow but he had a really big neck wtf. Have a lot of choices, i like it


i can't unsee it now xDD


it bothered me a lot while playing lol

I'm so late with replies, but Ren's neck issue has actually been fixed a while ago!! I've been posting updates about it on the 14DWY discord ^^;


Is the game still in develop? Cause I can't seem to download it😢

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