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I want him stoppp ren is so cute


i want teo grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


ahhh, i hope day 3 will come soonnnn:333


Just letting you know i noticed on day 1 when you meet him in the library theres one line just before he introduces himself that has Ren instead of ??? it was after i tried to continue the conversation and he responded "Y-You have a lot of interesting books here. Lots and lots of... books."



Thank you so much for letting me know!! It's now been fixed ^^


I'm so excited for day 3!!


this is now my hyperfixation :) <3


Will there be a mobile version


Unfortunately I have no plans of making a mobile version anytime soon, purely because the app stores are extremely strict on adult/18+ games.


An inconsistency I’ve come across in the ‘don’t invite him over’ path is Leon acting as if he’s met Ren before on your date, and in that same vein, mentioning Jae when MC hasn’t seen Ren interact with him.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it's now been fixed!! ^^


damn 2nd day even better love It I love ren <3!!! Teo hot but an ass XD


LOVED DAY 2 SM OMG 😭😭🙏 Teo rlly had me questioning if I liked him or Ren more


That was fun. Can't wait for you to finish your game!


man, I cant wait for future updates. Finding all of the endings you have so far was SUPER interesting- better than most VN I've seen. Also, I love the inclusivity at the beginning of the game for MC. 


Wahhh thank you very much for the kind words and support!! It means a lot to me ;v; I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!


Omg I loooooove this game! I can't wait for the full 14 days.


legit the best thing I ever played


Mobile version when?!?😩😩

(1 edit) (+2)

Im obsessed with this game, I always check out to see if theres more update or not lol. Tbh I replay it again and again and never get bored, one of my favorite game 👍 Cannot wait to see this visual novel develop! 


For some reason it wont let me play day 2. It will only let me play day 1. I deleted all my old saves and deleted the game and reinstalled it but it still only only lets me play day 1.

Also I'm not sure if this has anything to do with this but the zipped folder says 2.0 but the file inside says 1.0. I even extracted the files but it didn't do much. I noticed someone else had the same problem.

I really wanna play day 2 so hope you can help :)


Really hoping this game is gonna be available in android..


CANNOT WAIT FOR DAY 3 !!! (ren is so adorable)


Anyone know how where the saves are kept?


i am in lov with this game. it is what it is


I love this game, And the fact you lets you pick your gender and the dialog changes  depending on gender its small but impacts hugly into my emersion also Ren is soo fucking cute I feel like a Shit when I pick the bad opitions in the story and I feel supper happy when I see his smiling face sprites its supper cute!!! I cant wait for the completed game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't wait for day 3.


Absolutely in love with this game so far. The content you're giving us is just 
*chefs kiss*


hes insane and he has big boobs what more can you ask for he's fucking perfect



he is just a dadd


As a gamer, I seriously appreciate the amount of content that was giving after ever update. Definitely worth the wait every time and I wouldn't mind paying for this game, since I know it will be worth it 💜



Keep up the good work <33

Just wanted to ask if you asked for their permission to make a video about it. Because even if you didn't show the NSFW scenes this game is still meant to be played/consumed by 18+ people... So posting that on PG 13 Youtube without age restriction will make minors play that.

It's obviously something cutiesai has to decide but i'm just saying


I love chapter 2! This is one of my favourite VN's. I feel bad for asking when chapter 3 will be out lol. Teo is trouble! (and I'm all for it >:) ) I appreciate all the work you put into this game.
Looking forward to more!


first 2 chapters are already chefs kiss! How it can get better from here I'm excited to find out :3

(1 edit) (+7)

oh. my. The only thing I'm upset about is finding this game too soon, I can't wait to see where the story goes. It's one of my fav games ever, I don't even know where to start. 

The pretty art style along with the well-chosen colours, the rosy-filtered backgrounds and the music give the perfect atmosphere making it seem cutesy and romantic, but with an underline of unknown, like you know in the back of your head something is not right. They give the perfect yandere-ish vibe.

I don't know about the characters, but I can't wait to get to know them better, and I hope they'll interact more with Ren, and get the chance to have an opinion about him, I really wish to see what they think about him. 

I love how we got to see little glimpses of Ren, especially his apartment since homes tend to tell a lot about us. I like his character, though he gets a little bit too much sometimes I can't just find it inside me not to like him.

I also like the MC's friends, how they interact, and especially the way the MC is still somewhat friends with Teo, no matter the reason, it feels realistic in a way I can't explain (might be wrong here as I haven't seen THAT much of them, but these are my thoughts up until now).

I hope you have a good time working on this, and I can't wait to see where it'll go.



Ugh he is so frickin cute!! I can't wait for him to slowly reveal his true self and uncover all his secretssss!! ....and also "woohoo" him every chance possible cause... <.< 

He's well-written...yeah... lol ;p

Looking forward to more, great job!!


No option to fight Teo on sight. 2/10.

(1 edit) (+1)



GOD i love this so much. did i skip on my studies just to play this game? of course <3 eagerly waiting for other updates LIKE DAMN im not at all afraid to say i slept with him on the first day bc THE ARTTT AND DESCRIPTIONSS 🤭 thank you so much for developing this game


We ain/t ashamed to admit we did what we did on the first night.

Deleted 129 days ago

Winndyyyyyy!! ;w; ♡

I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the update -- and the lil Mer Ren easter eggs scattered about as well!! It was fun tryin to come up with a way to tie the AU with the canon storyline >:3c Speaking of, thank you for creating such a wonderful AU for my lil game!! It means the world to know that you enjoy it so much ^^

I also hope you got enough sleep after that though!! T_T


I love the new update and love Ren too:3


Loved the update! <3


To Devs, regarding the new update:
I saw you changed 'non-binary' to 'non-specified' and that's a great move!
However, I strongly recommend returning to 'intersex' for the other option, as 'hermaphrodite' is dehumanising to the intersex community.

(1 edit) (+8)

Hiya, thank you for your feedback!! ^^ I actually explained the reason for the changes here, and after doing some research, I figured that “intersex” wasn’t exactly what I was referring to. A few folks suggested "hermaphrodite" (and even gave a few examples of other games using it), but I’d be more than happy to change it if there’s any other word that describes having both genitalia + doesn’t dehumanise others!!


Yeah, I'd highly recommend changing it back; Hermaphrodite is outdated and considered stigmatising by the community; 

Also, see (on How to be an Intersex Ally):

If any of your feedback was from the intersex community, then they'd know more than me (as I'm not intersex to my knowledge), but I do speak as someone with multiple intersex friends who inform my understanding, and as someone who incorporated intersex inclusivity into my psychology research.

I'm not sure what you meant by intersex but I assumed you were including the option of genitalia that doesn't fit into the definition of male/female genitalia. This could mean they have a mix of genitalia (as in literally rarely some people have a working penis and vagina), or genitalia that looks halfway between the binaries. And it can include a lot of other things like hormonal and chromosomal differences with otherwise binary-looking external sexual reproductive organs.
If you wanted to be sure, it'd be good to check out some intersex communities and see if you could get feedback from them on whether you'd be representing them or misusing the term. 


Intersex person here. It is indeed far more than just genitalia (having both a penis and vagina, which was what OP was looking for). It involves having internal and physical traits that are not strictly male or female. From what I can gather, OP wanted an option for having both parts, so labelling it as 'intersex' would not give the most accurate result. By using that term, it could imply having a male body but female reproductive system, or having female breasts and hips but male genitalia - when in reality, it's not what OP meant. People who are intersex might feel mislead or dysphoric when they find out it merely meant having both male and female genitalia. I'd also recommend you look at this from a typical, fictional porn game viewpoint: it's more about the NSFW aspect rather than the literal aspect. Some people might like the idea of having both genitals, and that is OK! It's not my place to take it from them or misinform them with the wrong term.

And I have honestly never heard of 'hermaphrodite' being used as an offensive or dehumanising term in my 19 years of living. Either it's being misused by those in the older community or perhaps it's merely a cultural difference. But I can't speak on behalf of the entire intersex community, I can only share my opinion.


I'm not sure where you're based but generally in the intersex communities in England and the USA, whether you're speaking to academics or charities/societies for and by intersex people, they say strongly to avoid the word completely. It has problematic history and isn't accurate even in this context either.
Intersex might include more than just genitalia but it's still more accurate than using a term that's considered derogatory. Male genitalia may also not account for all types of male genitalia presentation too, and we usually understand that.
I think it might be worth using the term intersex because it avoids offense, but then adding a single line of clarity such as 'Intersex here specifically will have X presentation and will not be a storyline aspect featuring the intersex experience'.

This choice avoids derogatory language and provides explicit clarity so people don't feel they have representation ripped away from them and feel dysphoric. It might also be good to provide a short description on what non-specified means too, although one might guess, if it's like a barbie/ken doll look, it might be good to know in advanced. :)

(1 edit) (-1)

Do you know a better word for that tho? That's what cutiesai asked. Since you have a lot of knowledge in that topic you might have a better word to describe what  cutiesai is looking for ^^


Oh now i get it you mean changing it back to "intersex"

Well wouldn't be an option where you can choose to have whatever genitalia without labeling it as something related to intersex a good option? Since i think cutiesai as an enby also wouldn't see an "non binary" option in the genitalia option as logically either since there is no "non binary" genitalia plus having that with like "penis" etc is kinda weird because it's not a genitalia lol and i think the same counts for "Intersex" or that term

That was a question since i don't have a lot of knowledge about Intersex but i definitely know what it means so either way is kinda weird for me ^^


Yes, intersex is a better word, and it's what the professionals who have lived experience (aka intersex academics and advocates) request we use.
The rationale that intersex includes more than visuals and this game is only showing external genitalia is a great point but, that also applies for male/female genitalia not representing all types of male/female genitalia nor the hormonal, chromosomal or life experiences of each group. While it's more complex and less understood in intersex, me and my intersex friends are more concerned with the potential normalising of a derogatory word than we are of people thinking all intersex people have both.

Concerns that intersex people might not feel represented is valid, which is why I think a small sentence explaining the function of these genital choices (that they're an option between penis, vagina, both, or neither) is the best way to make sure people are making informed decisions on which they pick, and can help offset the miscommunication of whether this is what 'all X' look like.
Alternatively, we could just put 'Penis, vagina, both, neither' as the options instead of sex-based labels.

(2 edits) (+1)(-3)

Opps you didn't see my edit sorry my fault. I tend to not think it "to the end" lol so i always add other points in my edit. And agree just say "both" and i guess be more specific which combination i guess or not.

 Intersex isn't even a way to describe a genitalia lol. No hate to the dev obviously but i would also recommend to not call it that or else it sounds like it belongs to the same category as "vagina" and "penis" lol

Edit lol i never learn: 

Plus i think not having sex or gender based labels is more open to transgender people. Because not everyone transitions so saying your genitalia is "female/woman", "male/man", "other" etc could be dysphoric from what i know about gender dysphoria. And i think intersex isn't different correct me if i'm wrong tho

(2 edits) (-4)

From Qwan and my comment maybe naming it "both/ genitalia" wouldn't be a (subjectively) bad decision. I kinda explained my thought process in this comment section if you are curious. 

If my thoughts are reasonable for you then maybe consider it if you want ^^

Either way i'm just suggesting things from a knowledge perspective (not an Intersex or transgender one) it's up to you at the end of the day. 

I just think based on what Intersex means it would be more (subjectively) logically to say "both" rather kinda saying that Intersex is a genitalia type ^^

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