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Do you have a discord or patreon for support that I can follow?




A lot of people have requested a 14DWY discord server, so I might look into creating one!

Thank you for the suggestion! ^^


Android,plz,l love this game


Unfortunately due to the 18+ nature of the game and the strict guidelines for the Google Play store, I don't think I'll be releasing the game for android. I'm looking into creating a browser-friendly version for mobile users though!


Is Ren named after the RenPy software cause he's a.... well... very good at tech shall we say? Cause if he is I got a good chuckle from the clever choice. I can't wait for all 14 days to be available!! Keep up the great work!!


That's actually just a happy little coincidence! "Ren" is just a nickname he uses, and has nothing to do with Ren'Py at all lol ^^ But thank you so much for your support!

love the aesthetics, the characters are fun and i'm happy to have played through most of the endings and dialogue trees without bugs or any visual issues.
i agree with others in that i dont like mc, but i can ignore them in favor of ren because ive come to like his true personality.

looking forward to playing the next 13 days, and seeing what you do with everyone<3

(3 edits) (+5)(-11)

The music is amazing, the art is that lovely soft pastel kind, and the meta concept is cool and fun-scary buuuut! The MC is unlikeable imo. They're written like everything is kind of a bother if you choose even a relatively tame negative reaction, but if you do choose to go for yandere boy, MC becomes conveniently stupid ignoring the tell-tale signs (as in, ready to jump on that d*ick kind of stupid). The latter is perhaps acceptable for convenience but maybe change how they narrate so they don't sound so judgey or at least so they sound more neutral? If they choose certain options THEN make them more inclined to narrate in a certain way, is what I suggest. Additionally, maybe not make it so that even though the narration is in first person they somehow have eyes on the back of their head (i.e. "I didn't notice him hungrily trailing his eyes on my behind", etc.). First person narratives should only encompass things that the narrator themselves notice with us, being the player, picking things up on the background for context clues. Lastly, I know the guy is a yandere and all, but maybe make his advances and actions a little less obviously desperate. I mean, I know he is desperate but him getting what he wants hinges on him acting... not so creepily into us after we literally just got home invaded. The option to have him over at our place after Violet warns me about a break-in had me internally screaming (more of in panic). A tip I can suggest to ensure the dialogue is more subdued and manipulative is this: if the yandere boy were replaced with someone not-so-handsome, would the lines be interpreted as creepy af? Could anyone irl be able to get away with saying that shite without being branded a creep? Unless the plan is he's edited even how we respond and narrate so he could get his best endings as easily as possible.

That aside, this critique was made in mind cuz I really want it to succeed. It's such a nice concept and you're only early on the story so I wanna see it work. Best of luck to you!

(1 edit) (+10)(-1)

I don't agree with most of this, but I have to admit that I also thought MC was a bit judgy and grumpy by default. It's not a big deal! But I did notice it. 

Would I love having a less... judgmental and tired of people MC? Yes, but really the game is so perfect in everything else that I don't really mind. It's more of a personal preference than a critique of any kind! <3 

Still the best yandere game, and best yandere (Ren<3) I've come across. I highly recommend everyone to check out the Tumblr and Curioscat, the author is hilarious and we get fed SO well!       

GO!βœΊβ—Ÿ( ⑅❛ั α΄— ❛ั β‘…)β—žβœΊGO!

PS: Also, we have to remember that the dev is doing all of this for FREE! We really can't ask more of her, like. FOR FREE? We get 14 Days with Renren for FREE? dies, but comes back to life to keep playing


I am with you on that. The fact that it is free AND well drawn/written overall makes it a clearly good gift for the yanVN community. Aaaand, considering there are about 14 days, is it not rational to be a bit cranky on the first? Anyway, kudos to the creator; cannot wait for what she has prepared for us all sinners!

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits) (+3)

Again, this is all my personal take. My suggestions. I don't rly mind if the author doesn't pay heed to it or not. It's just the 2 cents of a random internet stranger to them, after all. I do not however rescind any of my opinions on the matter as, after playing through the endings again, my thoughts remain the same. -w-; I'm posting this cuz I am genuinely surprised I got comments and several downvotes, though the feedback to my comment is appreciated... I guess? And thank you for not wishing to my death as I woulda expected from longform replies from comments haha.


Hi!! Thank you for leaving such an insightful and in-depth review (/pos!). I just figured I'd clear a few things up since your comment seems to be warranting a few unnecessary downvotes. It's perfectly okay to have your own opinion on the internet (so long as it isn't hurting anyone), and I'm grateful for you letting me know what I can do to improve the game.

In regards to the MC's personality: I initially wrote the MC that way because I grew up playing traditional otome games where the MC would always be this ditzy and clueless protagonist with minimal (if any) personality traits. I didn't really want that for my MC, and preferred to have someone who was still very stereotypical, yet relatable enough for the player to connect with. I personally think it adds more flavour to the dialogue and sets the MC apart from all the other characters in the game — but If the "judgy" mindset is really bothersome for most people, I'd be more than happy to re-write the script so that it seems more neutral and less opinionated!

As for your concern about the first-person perspective: I simply wanted there to be little details and context clues scattered about for the actual player to pick up on — especially ones that gave off eerie vibes — but I didn't really know any other way to go about it. I'm used to writing in second-person, so adding those little quips felt like second nature to me (and I ended up doing it without even thinking). However, I ultimately decided against writing in second-person because the pronoun usage became a bit confusing at one point (i.e. if both the MC and Ren used he/him pronouns, it was difficult to differentiate between the two. For example: "he nods his head as he reaches over to grab his book"), and I ended up overusing the same deceptive terms in order to avoid it (the pink-haired man, your neighbour, the short, blonde woman, etc.). Regardless, if the context clues become annoying or very obvious while in the first-person perspective, then I'll try to stop doing it in future updates!

Lastly, I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to Ren seeming a bit too creepy and desperate, but that's genuinely how I wanted him to be perceived. That's how his character was written; it's literally part of his personality. Ren isn't meant to be a subtle yandere with a creepy undertone; he's a very socially awkward guy who blurts out things without thinking, and doesn't take into consideration that the way he comes off might seem creepy — at least, not until after he says it. I don't think I'll tone down his creepy behaviour in future updates simply because that's how I want him to be perceived as a character, but I'll definitely be taking your thoughts into consideration for future updates!

But thanks again for leaving your review! I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the music, the art-style, and the overall vibe of the game! Also, I hope my response doesn't come off as rude or dismissive; I'm not trying to be! I always try to take everyone's feedback into consideration when further developing the game, but I just genuinely wanted to explain my thought process behind some of these things and to clear up any concerns that you (or anyone else) might've had. Thanks again, and I hope you have a great day ^^

(1 edit) (+2)

Could i get some help on downloading this on a MacOS? anytime i click on the file '14 Days With You' all i get is a notification that I cant open the game because the developer can't be identified. ;-; I need help-

Edit: I was able to fix this! you just need to go into security & privacy and press 'allow anyway' Hope this helps other people like me!


hey! so I went to the security & privacy section and pressed on general  but I still cant see the allow anyway option :( is there anything that I'm doing wrong?


its supposed to show up near the bottom of general, maybe try opening 14dwy first, get the notification, and then check to see if at the bottom of the general tab if it says anything different


there are so many cimments so idk if someone's translated the code already but it was a nice touch, I noticed after closing the gamr=e and I didn't save before blocking ren's number so I payed through the whole thing so I could punch it into a converter by hand I love stuff like that pleeeeeaaaase do more little treats like that! it's all fun and cute by itself I just feeling like I did something cool like the characters


if you don't wanna do it yourself they say "hi angel" "error" and "I SEE YOU"


Wahhh thank you very much!! I'm glad you enjoyed the lil binary code in his bad end ^^ I just hope it was worth the time it took to translate it lmao

But similar to that, Ren's dialogue changes at the start if you play the game again after you get one of the endings... And you also get different responses from the characters depending on the outfits you choose ^^


I noticed that! It spooked me but also made me very excited!! I really like the game so far im so excited to see where you take it :D


this game is everything oh my god -- i had a ton of fun playing thru all the endings,, i love this game sm


I honestly think this game is amazing! I am a sucker for Yandere. I can't wait to see the full version coming out β™₯


I love the layout of this VN, especially the small things in the menu. I cant wait to see the full version of the game. 


are we going to get a female yandere at anypoint?


Unfortunately Ren is the only available yandere in the game. I'm very sorry!! >.<

Oh ok, thank you for the reply


First of all, the aesthetic of this game is everything to me, it must have taken a long time to program that (if I could guess lol) and my god is it worth it because it is *chefs kiss* I absolutely love looking at the GUI and everything literally spent a few minutes marvelling at it lmao. Secondly, the artstyle??? It's so nice and pretty I loved everyone! (my bias is Ren but shh) I seriously love how you drew them to be so expressive and it meshing well with the art-- Seriously. Third, the characters I love the unique quirks you gave them, I absolutely love the quirks of Violet because girl, I would share custody with her plants if it meant I too could get in her world and enable her plant buying hobby ahahaha. Oh and also help Elanor because girl needs it, we could both be dumbass motherly characters to one another and while I know that similar personalities can repel one another I just honestly see each other working out as friends. Lastly, the story??? So far I've been on what I can assume is the good route where I'm amiable towards Ren but even then the writing is so good and how you built up Ren was so good with him showing conflicting personalities, mysterious goals, and slip ups he somehow is able to cover up. So curious to see the slow unraveling of Ren's act, hopefully I survive through my first run if something chaotic happens....

Great game! I am soooo looking forward to anymore shenanigans that'll happen and I'm very much looking forward for any murder mysteries that'll pop up due to the lore of the world!! Goodluck and I wish you all the best!


Omggggg thank you so much for this lovely review!! ;w; I'm so glad to hear that you liked the demo; and the fact that you let me know what it was that you specifically enjoyed gives me a idea on what to focus on in the future! Also your comment on sharing custody of Violet's plants tOOK ME OUT LMAOOOO

But thanks again for your kind words and support! If you need me, I'll be scraping myself off of the floor (and the puddle of tears I surrounded myself in fskffjkaf)



I like how the game gives a heads up twice about just how big ren is I'm well aware now teehee~



Holy hell i just played this game for youtube content and i cant wait for day 2!! I know you arent paywalling the game but i would totes buy it, Ren is so cute idgohysΓΆl

Question though, is this supposed to happen bc we didnt kiss him?

IDK but it happened to me too the first time vdasbjk


Hiya!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! And thank you for your support!! ;w; <3

Another person has brought that error to my attention, but it's already been fixed and ready to be released once Day 2 is completed! ^^ For now though, you can just press the "ignore" button or restart the game from an earlier save. So sorry you had to encounter that error though! >.<

Alright, thank you so much for replying! (Also, the glitch looks kinda intentional so dw :D )


pls i'm so looking forward to day 2 and so so so relieved when u said ur never gonna paywall the game :'''')

(1 edit) (+1)

when this is finished I would so buy this from you. I played the demo and already fell for this game.

edit: the sex scene i got - OH my gosh! hes adorable and i love him.


not into dating sims all that much but this was like SO interesting i cant wait for the full game!!


your game is like one of the best ive seen so far, nice work! i can't wait for further updates/the full version <3 :)


wow, i really impressed with the plot and the artwork. It's beautiful. Can't wait to the the full verson <3


Hello wonderful people, I'm sorry if this has already been asked but could I ask if it's known when the game will be updated or if the complete version is on the way? Thank you very much to whoever will answer :)


Hi! It will be updated, thou don't personally know about the date. But the creator is working on it and constantly engages with the community. I think they plan to update the game with each day until day 7, and then they will later update with a complete version with 14 days. But that's just based on my memory, I might be very wrong or have outdated info.

There is a lot more info that you can find on their Curious Cat and Tumblr pages, and ask questions, so I hope this helps!

Thank you very much! It was actually really helpful :) I'll make sure to check then.


I thoroughly enjoyed it! ^^ I like the art style a lot and the backgrounds feel polished πŸ‘

Ren trying to be what he thinks is player's taste, but bugging out breaking out of the veneer from time to time may be canonically creepy/off-putting(?) but it is SO hot lol πŸ‘€ (when he becomes dominant all of a sudden, *clUTCH CHEST*) gap moe or not, it is working

thank you so much for the option to skip nsfw, it's great that players with various tastes can enjoy it how they like ! :D

Android,plz β•°(*Β°β–½Β°*)β•― (i like this game but i dont have 🍎 or πŸ–₯ QwQ)

You can try playing the game using Joiplay!


is the full game out? (^///^)


i am....down bad...

he's just so ughkjflsm and the sex scene omg-

your artwork is so so beautiful!! i'm already so invested in the story and can't wait for more ren uwu


Played this... then played again, then once more with saves this time to see the other dialogue for the different clothing and spicy options and then sent the link to my friends who also love a good yandere VN so I won't be alone in my new obsession. Cannot wait for the next part!


What do you mean dialogue for the different clothing? :O


The outfit choice can trigger different dialogue for Ren or the other characters depending on what you pick


Laundry goes missing? In a household wherein everyone has ADHD? Shocker (in all seriousness I love this game)


My adhd be having me like-

but for real my belongings constantly coming up missing is my everyday life. I honestly wouldn't think anything of it lol


I can't express how much I lovveee this game! It has so many elements I look for in a game and the 18+ scene was so good I had to play it twice! I truly can't wait for more in the future :)


I love this game qwq I'm really looking forward for further development!

I fell in love with Ren



Thank you for your support!! ;v;


i loved this game SO MUCH!

i'm not a huge fan of the genre but i got attracted because of the story and the art and i already tried to get the different endings haha 

the dialogues and the story are super well written and they don't feel heavy at all, they're super interesting and you want to keep reading more! patiently waiting for more days! :D


i love the small details you've added in the demo!! i didn't save the game on my first playthrough so i went ahead and chose the same name and pronouns. didn't expect a change of ren's monologue before the game started :O i also went out of my way to get the bad ending - i knew it was coming but the sound and atmosphere of the game still made me jump when the little jumpscare happened haha!

all in all, thoroughly loved Day 1. i hope you'll continue to work on this :)


Oh wow,wow!!WOW!This was so hot and suchπŸ‘aπŸ‘ rideπŸ‘! I have to say this already checks out most of stuff I am into lol (Tall man, Obsessive/Possessive Dom etc.) and daaamn this was amazing. I am certainly a fan. Now if you will excuse, I will be camping here and waiting for more like Hachiko. Can’t wait to let myself be completely taken by Ren :3


I think i love every part of this game. Especially Ren, 10/10! Also idk why but i cant stop thinking that he remainds me of Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki in a way. It could be because of the hairstyle. lol But he still looks so cute and i cant wait to see the other days with him! ^^

(1 edit) (+18)

let me tell you something...the sex scene with Ren... 

Deleted 2 years ago

You don't know how happy I am that this is free.

(1 edit) (+1)

Does Ren have snake bites? or are those moles/beauty marks?


He has snake bites :0 

I believe the creator confirmed it on her Tumblr/Curious Cat?

Ohhh, thank you so much!


Like the person before me said, Ren has snake bites (along with a few other piercings)! But he takes them out whenever he visits the MC ^^


hey google how do i pin a comment


Utterly poggers game so far, looking forward to more days! 

(1 edit) (+5)

yes i absolutely saw the bad end jumpscare coming. did i still shriek? also yes. "don't worry MC, i won't let you get my bad ending! ^^" my ass. he straight up gave me heart palpitations

if he did something to plant goddess violet and work wife elanor...jail.

seriously though, i really liked this! you scattered hints that were clear enough for us as players to spot the warning signs, but subtle enough for us as the character to overlook or flat out not notice.

also, i'm not sure where to put spelling errors and bugs, so i'll leave them here for now!

  • Well, it Looks like I'm going to be busy for the next few weekends...
    • I think "Looks" isn't supposed to be capitalized
  • Figuring that was my queue to leave
    • I think "queue" is supposed to be "cue"
  • Jokes on him though,
    • I think "Jokes" is supposed to be "Joke's"
  • dangle off of his arm half-hazardly
    • I think "half-hazardly" is supposed to be "haphazardly"
  • And whatever this is:

can't wait to see more of this game! i'm sure the fact that ren's favorite item is a sledgehammer won't come back to haunt us


I could've sworn I replied to this comment ages ago???? (feel free to ignore this if I did ^^:)

But I'm glad you enjoyed the demo! And thank you so much for pointing out the little grammatical/spelling errors! In hindsight, I probably should've ran the script through Word or Grammarly beforehand fskdhsdjgs :') But I've already implemented the script changes and a fix to the error you received, so it should be released once Day 2 is completed!

Thanks again! <3

hi! Sorry to jump in; do you have a time period that day 2 might be completed in? I’d love to download it as soon as you do! 


This game is honestly amazing!! It's everything I love perfectly bundled together <3 I'm going to gladly keep supporting and awaiting updates I think I've fell in love haha


wahhh thank you sm!! I'm happy to hear that! ;w; β™‘


OMG! I'm addicted to Ren. And that sex scene was *chef kiss*. Don't get me started on the dialogue in that scene. The art is gorgeous and the chracters are amazing. I don't even write reviews but I'll do it for your game. So freaking good! I can't wait for another update.


aaAAAaaa brb crying real quick ;v; I'm honoured to be your first review!! I don't think I follow anyone on here yet, so you can be my first lmao

But for real though, thank you so much for the kind words! β™‘


This game is phenomenal! The art is already the most gorgeous I've EVER seen and the music fits every scene so perfectly!

And Ren, whoo, he's a cutie alright and I love that he's just a good actor and hiding a mess of stuff. He's literal eye candy and I love lookin' at 'em! Even when he's being creepy, it's irresistible β™₯

There's also a LOT of game already here for just a demo, I'm only half sure if I got all the endings, the full game is gonna blow people away!

Everything is so wonderfully written, and natural, and fun to read. Excellent game, I will make a video of it on my channel soon as it was requested by a few people. Excellent work! I hope more people get to play this!


Wahh thank you so much! Your comment has literally left me in a puddle of my own tears right now ;v;

Even if you don't make a video for the demo, please feel free to share your channel here so I can watch your videos and support you as well! β™‘


You're very welcome! This game is incredibly made and GORGEOUS! Here is my channel .

It is very silly and has many fictional boyfriends, I hope you enjoy it!


I have finally uploaded my playthrough! I broke it into about 3 parts that I'll upload every couple days cuz I hate making hour long videos, I hope you enjoy and that I've done your wonderful game justice! I will admit that I didn't record the 18+ option at ALL because Youtube scares me, but I played it on my own and OMGosh that is so beautifully written!! And the picture of Ren (fans self) LOVE IT!


I really enjoyed the game...

and with Ren.... Uhmm....

I really enjoyed the game! Looknng forward for further development!! :D


thank you!! ^^ β™‘


I absolutely loved the demo!! Im so excited to see more, the game is very promising <3

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