Day 2 update!

Day 2 has officially been released, and comes with a few new updates!!

  • Includes a new 18+ scene in Day 2 (obtainable by getting the first woohoo scene)
  • Includes a new bad end scene (obtainable by getting the first bad ending)
  • Fixed a few of the grammatical errors and bugs provided by the beta testers
  • Fixed the cropping of the Day 1 CG art
  • Fixed some of the dialogue for Day 1 so that it flows better
  • Updated the UI for some of the menus (history, preferences, load/save, etc.)

The full list of changes can be found on the 14DWY Discord!! I hope you all enjoy Day 2 ^^

The old files conflict with the new script for Day 2, so any saved data will not work.
Also: feel free to let me know about any feedback, bugs, and/or spelling errors!!


2.0 [Mac] 95 MB
May 12, 2023
2.0 [PC] 109 MB
May 12, 2023

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Hi, I tried to install version 3.5 but it didn't work, I read some comments talking about deleting all the old files, but in the end I can't download either one or the other

Hiya!! What exactly do you mean by "it didn't work"? ^^ What happens once you download the latest version?

When I downloaded it, the game loads, but it exits, the game doesn't open

Are you using Windows? If so, have you tried running the game as admin?

I'm honestly not sure why you're unable to load the game ^^;

No, I use an iPhone, it simply doesn't work, it used to, normally, but after I tried to download the 3.5 update, nothing came in :(

aaaa I'm sorry, but 14 Days With You isn't made for mobile devices or Chromebooks, nor is it compatible with any emulators anymore. It's only available to play on Windows/Mac/Linux — as stated in the "more information" section and specified in the file names ;v;

Please download and play it on a PC such as a computer or laptop!!




Ooh gooddie yas


this was worth the wait, cant wait to play HHEHHEHEHEHHE


I have such a huge love for games that interact with the player, the fourth-wall-breaking aspects really make it special!!




OMG!!! i've been in love with this game since your first demo <33333

but I really don't know how to get the new 18+ scene (because I want to see all the game content! that's it!!)


Will the update be public anytime soon? like for those who may not have a discord?


aaaa the update is publicly out already!! I'm sorry, maybe the way I worded this post gave off the wrong meaning ;v;

Everyone can download and play day 2 on right now, but the full list of all the changes (fixes, bugs, additions, etc.) is on Discord since that's where the development and community is most active!!






ILY MORE!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you! I'm super excited to play! ^_^


aaaa I'm glad to hear that!! I hope you have fun!! ^^

(2 edits) (+2)(-5)

I waited so long for day two lol

Edit + Spoiler kinda 

So after i played a few routes i definitely can say i enjoyed it.

But i kinda didn't like our MC tho at first we seemed to be like suspicious towards Ren's behavior which is understandable but in day two we seem to really judge kinda every person and in my opinion be a little dramatic (obviously depending on choices but we still don't 100% play ourself more like just decide some choices so it does kinda reflect the MC's behavior regardless of which path we choose.)

I guess our judging can make sense if we think about how we humans behave. Since those were mostly the MC's thoughts and not stuff the MC's says out loud and many of us people do act the same sometimes. Regardless of that i still didn't like the MC.

But that's just my opinion and maybe was even your intention ^^

Take care


Hello!! Thank you very much for your feedback!! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo ♡

As for MC's personality; if you're willing/able to give any tips or pointers, I'd be more than happy to tweak the dialogue so that it doesn't come across as too judgy or dramatic!! ^^

(2 edits) (+8)(-6)

For example us flipping out for waiting 20 minutes and just us being too paranoid when he was talking to that woman. In the route where you were a couple with Teo it does make sense since you kinda explained why we act that way because Teo treated us badly. 

In the other ones we are just making stuff up without proper reasons and already act as if we actually know a guy who we barley talked to in those two days. Like pointing out too much of his behavior even tho we barley know him to know if he is faking it. I just think it's not that realistic to kinda "obsess" too much on his switching behavior in this extent since he could just be logically be shy around the person they like but be a confident guy in general. I just think we kinda analyzed like some sort of therapist lol not like a non one.

Again maybe there could be a reason and obviously we know that Ren isn't an unproblematic guy but it's kinda weird when the MC does want to meet up but at the same time doubt everything about him. Not referring to him guessing our favorite food since that does make sense of us being suspicious. Our behavior is just kinda TOO contradictory and gives kind of "hot and cold" vibes. Like being really trusting to a guy we just met but at the same time not at all?. 

It's also difficult to grasp the relationship of them if we say "x" but think "y" it kinda makes the MC unlikeable because again they don't know Ren like we do (we know he is a Yandere). Again us being too paranoid but again at the same time not. We are also kinda "leading him on" with that behavior which is not really in my opinion a nice thing to do (again i'm saying that with the knowledge the MC has not us the player). 

Maybe that was the intention to make us be more irrational because if we actually act like people who doesn't trust the person we wouldn't hang out with them (we as a player have no choice unless we want to get the bad ending but the MC doesn't know that. And that is what makes them feel like they really trust him by wanting to meet up and even have the option to go to his place but again we are at the same time too untrusting for us to seem like either a paranoid person or a naive one.)

That's at least what makes them for me a little too judgy and kinda dramatic. But again that may be your intentions. We at day one seem to be somewhat more reasonable and "typical" with our thoughts so i kinda noticed our change in behavior or maybe they were also being this paranoid and it continued on and on day two we as the player see more of the MC's naive way i guess? (Again us being paranoid makes sense just us being too contradictory with our thoughts and decisions not. At least not for me but maybe there are actual people out there like that)

I just shared my thoughts if you were curious on how other people perceived the MC. I don't really suggested change just wanted to share my perspective ^^

Oh and sorry if my english is kinda awkward lol


I don't get why supportive but constructive feedback comments like these are being mass down-thumbed. Not seen this behaviour on itchio before but it's kinda ironic it's happening in a yandere game.
Dev seems lovely and capable of receiving and critically analysing the validity of constructive feedback. It seems weirdly overprotective for mass downthumbs on harmless and supportive posts.


It's okay i don't take it personally. Since no one was rude or disrespectful to me i just see the "thumbs down" as disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions as long as they aren't being rude about it or forcing it onto others ^^

And the dev sure can! My comment was never even about suggesting something or anything and they did handle actual criticism so that wouldn't bother them.

And if it does they can tell me to delete it if they can't profit from my perspective there wouldn't be a reason for me to "put it out" anyways ^^

Take care and thanks if you were "defending" me ^^


To Devs:
I saw you changed 'non-binary' to 'non-specified' and that's a great move!
However, I strongly recommend returning to 'intersex' for the other option, as 'hermaphrodite' is dehumanising to the intersex community.

(1 edit) (+1)

Also this file doesn't work for me. I keep getting errors popping up. Also it seems to have saved data from the previous game despite me deleting the previous game completely??
I noticed the zipped folder is '2.0' but the file inside it is '1.0' so I wonder if it's an old version I'm getting each time. 


Hi again!! I've answered your other question here, but as for the save files issue: Ren'Py (the program I used to create 14DWY) keeps all of your saved data in another folder as well ^^;

On Windows, it's located in %APPDATA%/RenPy/game_directory
On Mac, it's located in ~/Library/RenPy (you may need to run terminal to find it)

It is a bit odd that the file name is 1.0 (since I've manually changed all the files to 2.0 prior to uploading it), but after downloading and extracting, it does seem to be the updated version of the game.


Why is it tho? I'm asking out of curiosity not being sarcastic or anything ^^


No worries, asking questions is good :)

Intersex communities and societies recommend against using the term for several reasons and these two sources might answer your questions better than I can. I also sought advice from my intersex friends before gathering some references to share. I'm not sure if those who advised for the other term were part of the community or not, but it's very strongly discussed within the intersex and intersectionally inclusive academic spaces.

 General information on the term: 

Short pdf 'How to be an Intersex Ally':

Hope that helps. :)


I see thank you. I never heard about the term in the first place because i don't live in an english speaking country i was just curious in general.

Take care ^^